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Wolfstieg, August
Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (Band I)
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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4098. Maedonald, George: View of the
origin, objects and utility of freemasonry
by the Substitute master of St. David's
Lodge [in Edinburgh]. Edinburgh 1830.
VII, 23 S. 8°

[TrsaB. 1903—1904 S. 104.] 20.

°4099. Opinions on speculative masonry,
relative to its origin, nature and ten-
dency. A compilation, embrac. recent
and important documents on the sub-
ject, and exhibiting the views of the
most distinguished writers respecting
it; by James C. Odiome* Boston:
Perlons & Marvin 1830. VIII, 280 S. 8°

[Barthelmess, R.: Bibliogr. d. Frmrei. 1856
S. 15.]

4100. Oorsprong en strekking der loodsen
voor opperlieden, metselaars-gezellen,
onder-bazen, bazen of meesters, enz.
Die sinds 1674 aan een tempel, waar een
vermeend deel van Salomo's wysheid
gepredikt worden zou, meiseiden, en
dien arbeid thans wel mogten staken.
Schynbaar noodig vlugschriffc van G.
Bramrng« s' Gravenhage: v. Langen-
huysen 1831. 18 S. 8°
[Umschlagtit.:] Oorsprong en strekking
der vrymetselaars-loodsen. 2s.

4101. Zeichnung von [Karl Wilh.] Vix;

vorgetragen in der St. Joh. d im

Or. zu Giessen, am 13ten April 5838.

o. O. [1838]. 6 S. 4° [Kopftit.]
Kl. 1276. Von dem Alter der Frmrei. 25.

4102. Oration on the origin, design, and
duties of free-masonry; pronouneed at
the second street Presbyterian church,
in the city of Troy, on the 24th of June,
1840. By James H erring. Troy:
Apollo lodge No 13 1840. 22 S. 85

Öf. FQR. 1842 S. 461—462. 193.

4103. De TOrigine morale et religieuse de la

maconnerie, de sa mission, et de l'epoque

positive de son Institution materielle.

[Von S. de Giorgi Bertaleo.] London

1841: [Armand]. 31 S. &°
Selten. Yerf. nach Angabe in FQR. 1841
S. 500. 4.

4104. Der Tempel des Maurers. Betrachtungen
über Ursprung, Ziel und Zweck des
Ordens. Vom Br [Alois Franz] Wax-
mann. Gedr. als Ms. f. BBr. Neisse
[1842]. 104 S. 8° ss.

°4105. The Origin of freemasonry, &c. By
J. Zabroeki [Count de Brody]. Edinburgh
1847. 8°

[Suppl. Catalogue of fcoofct in Freema8on*> Ball,
London. 1895 S. 74.]

4106. The Bise, progress and effects of freemasonry
. A discourse deliv. before the
lodges of Columbus and visitors at the
Capitol, Feb. 18. 1850. By & Reed.
Columbus: Scott & Bascom 1850. 16 S.

[Proceedings of the GrL. of New York. 100 {1887)
s. <m,]

°4107. The Origin of freemasonry, a lecture
deliv. in the Lodge of Virtue, No 177,
by J. J. Moody. London 1852. 8°

cf. FQMR. 1852 S. 271—272.

°4108. The Origin of masonry. An address
deliv. in the baptist church, Cedar
Town, Ga., on the celebration of the
festival of St. John the Baptist, by
Galedonia Lodge, ISTo 121, June 24, 1856.
By Wm. Abram Love. Marietta 1856.
15 S. 8°

[Proceedings of the GrL. of New York. 107(1888)
S. 118 ."J

°4109. An Address on the origin, general
character, and probable destiny of freemasonry
, deliv. before Murchison Chap-
ter, No 18 r. a. m., on the anniversary
of St. John. By L. F. Price. Houston
1856. 12 S. 8°

[Proceedings of the GrL. of New York. 106(1887)
S. 101.]

°4110. The Origin of freemasonry. A lecture

deliv. at the lodge of instruction, held

under the Warrant of the Victoria Lodge,

No 4, Dublin, on Monday, the 2nd of

Febr. 1857. By Bob. Longfield.

Dublin 1857. 23 S. 8°
Auszug in: FMM. 17 (1868) S. 84—86, 212—217.
[Proceedings of the GrL. of Neiv York. 107 (1888)
S. 114.]

°411L The Origin of freemasonry: a history
of the time when, the place where, and
the persons with whom the Institution
of freemasonry originated and the
occasion and neccssity f or the establish-
ment of the mystic brotherhood &c.
By Leon Hyneinan. Plüladelphia 1858.
177 S. 8°

Reeens: FMaM. o (1850) S. 880—886.
Cf. T. 4 (1858— l&m) S. 45-48 (E. Rdlir).
[Proceedings of the GrL. of New York. 107 (1888)
S. 113.]

°4112. A Lecture upon the origin, laws, and
principles of freemasonry, deliv. before
La Fayelle Lodge No 14, f. & a. m., at
Wilmington, Del. Julie 1, 1859. By
Geo[rge] W. Chaytor. Publ. by
request of the lodge. Wilmington 1859.
35 S. 8«

[Proceedings ofthe QrL, of New York. 108(1889)
8. 88.]

°4113. Kiener« JuL: Le Bereeau historiqiie

de la franomaconnerie ou Tableau de
rhistoire de Tordre. [ca 1850!] 32 S. 8°
of. Monde mag. l (1859) S. im~504 (J. M.

°4114. Rebold, Eman.: Origine de la frane-
maconnerie ancienne et moderne; ses
doctrines, son but artistique et in oral,
d'apres de nombreux documents, et loa
monuments eleves par cetto institution.
Paris: Selbstverl. 1859.
L. 17 (1859) S. im: „Paris: Ledoyen".
[Loren*; Catalogm g$w4ml 4 (tsm) 8, 184,J

4115. Freemasonry: Sketch of its origin
and early progress; its inoral and poli-

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