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29945. Der Freimaurerorden und die Freimaurerei
. Von W. . .1.

in: Archiv f. Kirnst, Wissenschaft u. Leben.

.. (Brannschweig) o. J. S. 84—87.

Ub. Geschichte, Zweck u. Gebräuche der i
Frmrei. Nebst 2 Abb., Aufnahme eines f
Lehrlings u. Mstrs. 65. 1

°29946. Ma9onnerieadonhiramiquedeVoil6e.
Par Harris. Paris, o. J. ,

[FMaM. 6 (1859) S. 309.]

29947. The Secrets of freemasonry revealed,
by a mason; who, being fully convinced 1
that the order exerts a demoralizing in-
fiuence on its members, impedes social i
progress, and corrupts civil govern- '
rnents, therefore states bis objections
briefly, candidly, and fearlessly, sho-
wing that freemasonry is unlawful, and
should be suppressed or compelled to i
revise its objectionable ritual. Masonic |
signs, grips, pass-words, illegal oaths,
and the most important portions of the ,
secret cerernonies, in general use through- j
out the world, given verbatim! Re-1
speetfully dedicated to the masonic j
fraternity and the public; and especially
to the ladies who should be excluded I
from none of our societies or clubs. Melbourne
, o. J.: Fitzroy. 32 S. 8° [üm-
schlagtit.] 430.

°29948. The grand Mystery of free masons
discover'd. Wherein are the several
questions put to them at their meetings
and installations: as also their oath,
health, signs, and points to know each
other by. As they were found in the J
custody of a free-mason, who dyed [!]
suddeniy, and now publ. for the Information
of the pubück. [!] London:
Payne 1724. 6 BL 2°
°[Das selbe.] Reprinted. Cmcinnati:
Carson 1867.

(The archaeological Cariosities. 1.)

Abgedr. in: FMaM. l (1855) S. 545—548; MM. 9
(1881—1882) S. 323-325; Mackey, A. G.:
TheHistory of frmry. 4 (iboi) S. 030—935.

of. Mackey, A. G.: The History of frmry.
4 (1901) S*. 92(5-945.

Sehr selten. Auch im Rawlinson Ms. befindlich

[Creigh. A.l Masonry and anti-masonry. 1854
S. 131.] 1867 in 26.

[2. Ausg. u. d. Tit.:]

The grand Mystery of the free masons
cliscover'd, wherein are the several
questions put to them at their meetings
and installations. As also, their oath,
health, signs, and points, to know each
other by. As they were found in the
custody of a free-mason who dyed [!]
suddenly.And now publ. for the in-
formation of the pubück. [!] To which are
amiexed two letters to a friend, the f irst,
concern. the society of free-masons, the
second giving an account of the most
ancient society of gormogons, in its original
, Institution, excellency, and design:

its rules and Orders, and the manner of
its introduction into Great Britain.
With an intire collection of all that has
been made publick [!] on that occasion.
Together with the supposed reason of
their excluding the free-masons, without
they previously midergo the form of
degradation, etc. Kow first set forth for
the satisfaction and cmolument of the
publick. [!] [2. Ausg.] London: Moore
1725. 20 S. 2°

Abgedr. in: Gould, R. F.: The History of
frmry. 3 (1887) S. 475-486 ; [dasselbe]
6 (1887).

Abdr. des l. Briefes in: Fr. 9 (I87ü) S. 584
bis 585.

Abgedr. ohne die Briefe u. mit deutscher "Übers,
in: Krause, K. Chr. F.: D. drei ältesten
Kunsturkunden. 2. Ausg. l, 2 (1820) S. 32
bis 49.

Übers, u. Erl. in: Schwalb ach, F. K.:
Gesch. d. älteren mrischen Gebrauchtums.

1 (1889) S. 10—22.

cf. Bh. 8 (18G5) S. 246—247 (J. G. Findel);
FZ. 19 (1S65) S. 204-205 (W. Keller);
MW. Ser. 5 Jg. 5 (1805) S. 129—182 (J.
Isebree Moens).

Kl. 1831.

°29949. The free-mason's Vindicatioiu bcing
an answer 'to a scandalous hbel intituled
„The grand Mystery of the free-masons
discovr'd", &c. Wherein is plainly prov'd
the falsity of that discovery, and how
great an imposition it is on the publick.
Dublin 1725.

Abgedr. in: 0FMaM. 1859; °TneKneph. 1886.
Das Orig. befindet sich im Brit. Museum.
[SaäUr, II.: Mas. Eeprints. 1898 S. XXVIL]

°29950. A mason's Confession. 1727.

in: Scots Magazine. (Edinburgh) 17 (1755)

S. 1«3—137.

Nach Kl. 1885 wäre, dem Edinburgh Magazine
" vom Okt. 1757 zufolge diese Veröffentlichung
Anlass gewesen zum Verbote
der Frmrei durch die schottische Synode.

[Gould, R. F.: The History of frmry. 4(1885)
S. 357]

29951. The Mystery of free-masons. Taken
from a Ms., found among the papers of a
deceas'd brother. [London]: White
[1730]. 1 BL 24x23,5 cm. [Stich.]

Aus: »Daily Journal vom 35. Aug. 1730.

Abgedr. in: «Dublin Intelligence vom Aug.
1730; 0Daily Journal vom 18. Aug. 1730;
oReed's Weekly Journal vom 22. Aug. 1730 ;
«Pennsylvania Gazette vom 8. Dez. 1730 ;
Westminster Journal. (London)01742 No 24;
[Neudr. ca 1905,] L. 22 (1899) S. 44—45.

Deuts che Übers, nebst Erl. von G. Schauerhamm
er in: L. 22 (1899) S. 42—46.

Cf. ML. 27 (1898—1899) S. 173—174 (F. S OM en-

kalb); L. 22 (1899) S. 82—83 (O. Schauerhammer
); Begemann, W.: Yorgesch.

2 (1910) S. 317—319.

Höchst selten. Der sogenannte Whitesche
Katechismus. 281.

[Abgedr. u. d. Tit.:]

0 The puerile Signs & wonders of a
freemason; with their ways of admit-
tance and entrance, being found in the
cabinet of Ms of a brother deceas'd the
6. Aug. 1730, likewise their oath, and
by what means they know a brother, & c«
Printed in the year 1730,

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