Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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( vi )

XIV. Fayal and the Azores ............. 46

The discovery of the Azores, Nomenclature of the Azores, 46; The Colonization of the Azores,
47; The Hurters of Flanders, Joz d'Utra (Josse van Hurter) as Capitao donatorio, 48 ; The
Privileges of a " Captain donatory " or Governor, The Peopling of Fayal, Joz d'Utra and his
descendants, 49; Martin Behaim in Fayal and his family, A projected Voyage of Discovery,
1486, Martin Behaim's Prophecies, 50.

XV. The Death of Behaim ............. 51

Wolf Behaim's Death at Lisbon, The Death of Martin Behaim, 51 ; Memorials at Nuremberg,
The Monument of Behaim, 52.

XVI. Martin Behaim the Younger, 1489-1520 ......... 53

Young Martin charged with Manslaughter, 53 ; A proposed Visit to Nuremberg, Young Martin
at Nuremberg, 54 ; Law Proceedings, Sent to a Schoolmaster, 55 ; Return to Portugal, 56.



XVII. The History of the Globe ............ 57

Contemporary Globes, 57 ; George Holzschuher's Suggestion, Behaim's Qualifications, The
Manufacture of the Globe, 58; Repairs of the Globe, A General Description, 59.

XVIII. Facsimiles of Behaim's Globe ........... 60

Facsimiles in Solido, 60 ; Pseudo-Facsimiles in Piano, 61; My own "Facsimile," 62.

XIX. The Sources of Behaim's Globe ........... 62

Ptolemy, Isidor of Seville, 62 ; Marco Polo, 63; His route plotted and result with reference to
the supposed extent of the habitable world, 64 ; Sir John Mandeville, Portolano Charts, 65 ;
Toscanelli, Portuguese Sources, 66; The islands of the Atlantic as delineated by Behaim and
by Portuguese Pilots, A Map of Western Africa from Materials available in 1492, 68;
Miscellaneous Sources, Sources not traced, 69 ; Conclusion, 70.

XX. Nomenclature of the Globe and Commentary ........ 71

How the Town Council of Niirnberg ordered the Globe to be Made, The Authorities consulted,

The Story of Behaim's Voyage, 71; Equator, Parallels and Ecliptic, The Meridian, 72; The

Artificial Horizon, 73.
The Ocean, 73.

The Islands of the Atlantic, Iceland, British Isles, 74; Insula de Brazil, The Azores, 75;

Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, 76 ; Antilia, St. Brandan's Island, 77.
Continental Europe, Scandinavia, 77 ; North-Eastern Europe, Hungary and the Lower Danube,

Germany, 78; France, Portugal, Castile and Aragon, Italy, 79; The Balkan Peninsula,

Little Tartary, 80.

Asia: Asia Minor, Armenia, Syria, 81; Babylonia, Arabia, Persia, 82; India Intra Gangem, 83;
India Extra Gangem, The Country of the Sinae, India, 84; Further India, 85; The Indian
Ocean and its Islands, Taprobana, Ceylon, 86; Java Minor, Java Major, Pentan, 87;
Nekuran, Angaman, Islands of the Satyrs, Candyn, The Magnetic Island, 88; Silver, Gold
and Pearl Islands, Cipangu, The Indian Spice Trade, 89.

Inner Asia: Western Turkistan, Tarim (Eastern Turkistan), 90 ; Tartary, 91 ; Cathai, Mangi, 92.

Ophir and Havilah, St. Thomas, 94; Appolonius of Tyre, The Three Holy Kings and
Prester John, 95 ; The Romance of Alexander, 96.

Africa: Ptolemaic Nomenclature, 96 ; Egypt, 97 J Barca and Tripoli, Tunis, Buja, Oran and
Tlemsen, Fez and Morocco, The West Coast of the Sahara, 98; Senegambia, Upper Guinea,
99; Benin, The Guinea Islands, 100; Inner Guinea, 101; The Sahara, Abyssinia and Nubia,
Lower Guinea, 102; River Congo to the Cape, Behaim's " Furthest," 103; Inner Tropical
South Africa, Zanzibar, 104; Madagascar, Scotra, 105.

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