Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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— 86 —

Neither musk nor spices are mentioned by M. Polo as
products of Ciamba. but aloes, ebony and elephants.

loach (J 5 s); M. Polo III li : laach, other versions
locac ; on the mainland : lower Siam.

daf lant hot drey konik. The country has three kings.

M. Polo only knows of one king.

The names Menam ken (J 5 s) in Loach, and Menam
fl. (J 11 s), are found only on the Paris Globe (see p. 61).

The following are not mentioned by M. Polo; they
may be in Tibet:—

lamacin fee (J 20), Jom and Ghil have a tent to the
west of this lake which is not on the original.
Waldseemiiller (1507) has a Lama lacus.

lanna (J 12), a town. It is G. Leardo's Liana (1448),
Waldseemiiller's Lamia civitas (1507).

Incian fl (J 7). This river is shown as a headstream of
the Caramoran.

Other places, apparently in Further India or, at all
events, beyond the Ganges, are:—
naptas (I 22).
nijches p. (I 20).

dafgebirg nijhen (J 24), Jom and Ghil : gebirg myter.
J rob allt fl. (I 20), a river identical with Ptolemy's
Dorius fl. (VIII 21).
regioza (I 20).

Diffama (I 38), perhaps Ptolemy's Adisaga in the
valley of the Brahmaputra.
abef (I 30).

mar co. . . (132), the beginning of an obliterated legend:
Marco Polo. . . .
thering (I 33).

fogan (I 32), perhaps Ptolemy's Sagoda (VII 2), mod.

defar (I 33).
comau (I 35).
tri/iact (I 39).

The Indian Ocean and its Islands.

Marco polo fchreibt uns im 3 bueh
am 38 capitel dafs warlich die
fchiffleuth befunde feyen worden dafs
in di/em jndianifchen merr ligen mer
dan 12,700 jnsula di bewont find und
welichen findt vil mit edelgeflein
perlein und mil golt pergen andere
vol 1'2 lei fpecerey und wunderlichen
volckh dauon lang zu /chreiben hie
lit*'It man vil meerwundier von Serenen
und ander fisfchen. Vnd ob jemandt
von die/en wunderlichen volckh und
felzamen vifchen im mder oder thieren
auf dem erdreich begert zu wiffen der
lefs die biicherplini jjidori arifloiolefs
strabonis und fpecula vincenzi vil
anderer lehrer mer.

Marco Polo in the 38th chapter
of the 3rd book states that the
mariners had verily found in this
Indian Ocean more than 12,700
inhabited islands, many of which
yield precious stones, pearls and
mountains of gold, whilst others
abound in twelve kinds of spices
and curious peoples, concerning
whom much might be written.

Here are found sea-monsters,
such as Sirens and other fish. And
if anyone desire to know more of
these curious people, and peculiar
fish in the sea or animals upon the
land, let him read the books of
Pliny, Isidor (of Seville), Aristotle,
Strabo, the ' Specula1 of Vincent
(of Beauvais) and many others.

do findt man von den wunderliehen
leutten in den Jnfeln und auf dem
mder von meer toundern und wa
felzamer thicr auf erdreich und in
den Jnfeln vo wiirzen und edelgeflein
wachfen (M 7).

There he shall find accounts of the
curious inhabitants, of the islands,
the monsters of the ocean, the
peculiar animals on the land and of
the islands yielding spices and
precious stones. See p. 62.


Taprobana (H 5), with a royal tent.
modin (H 9), Moda of Ghil.
fcorria (H 8), fete of Ghil.
samia (H 6), Samfu ?
cap frazio (H 6), captran of Ghil.

Taprobana von difer jnsel fchreibt
man man unfs vil edler ding in den
alien hiflorien wie fy alexander magno
geholffen haben und gen rom zogen
findt mit den rbmern und kaifer pom-
pejo gefellfchaft gemacht haben dife
jnfel hat umbfangen 4,000 meil und
ifl getheilt in vier konikreich in
welichen vil goldtes wechfl auch
pfeffer camphora lignum aloes auch
vil goltfandt das volk pet abgotter an
und findt grqff flark lent und gut

Many noble things are said about
this island in ancient histories, how
they (the inhabitants) helped
Alexander the Great and went
with the Romans to Rome in the
company of the Emperor Pompey.
This island has a circuit of 4,000
miles, and is divided into four kingdoms
, in which is found much gold
and also pepper, camphor, aloe wood
and also gold sand. The people
worship false gods: they are tall,
stout men, and good astronomers.


Seilan jnfula ein der befle jnful in
der welt aber de mer hat fie abgeben
miiffen (I 30 s).

In difer jnfell findt man vil
edelgefleins perlein oriental der konik
difer jnful hat den groflen and
fchbnfle rubin den man in der welt je
gefah dafs volkh gehet nakhet man
und frawen kain korn wechfl alda
dan rais (J 38 s).

Jr konik ifl niemandt underworffen
und betten abgotter an die jnful
Seilan hat im craifs 2,400 meil als
enfs fchreibt marco polo im driten
bueh am 19 capitel (I 46 s).

Jtem in vergangenen Jaren fchickht
der grofs kaifer incathay ainpotfehaft
zu difen konik von seilan lifs an in
begern zu haben difen rubin fich
erpietent grofsen fchatz dafiir zu
geben alfo gab der konik zu antwort
wie dafs difer ftein feiner vorfahren
fo lang gewefl wer fo fliiendt in ebel
an dafs er der foil fein der diesen
/lain dem landt folt empfrembten der
rubin foil anderthalb fchuh lang fein
und ain spann brait on alle mackhel
(I 19 s).

The island Seilan, one of the best
islands in the world, but it has lost
in extent to the seas.

In this island Seilan are found
many precious stones and oriental
pearls. The King of this island
possesses the largest and finest ruby
ever seen in the world. The people,
men and women, go naked. No
corn grows there, only rice.

Its king is subject to no one, and
they pray to false gods. The island
Seilan has a circuit of 2,400 miles,
as is written by Marco Polo in the
19th chapter of the third book.

Item, in past times the great
Emperor of Cathai sent an ambassador
to this King of Seilan,
asking for this ruby and offering to
give much treasure for it. But the
King replied that this stone had for
a long time belonged to his ancestors,
and it would ill become him to send
this stone out of the country. The
ruby is said to be a foot and a half
in length and a span broad, and
without any blemish.

Marco Polo's Seilan is undoubtedly our Ceylon, and
all that is said will be found in Pipino's version III 22,
in Ramusio's III 19.

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