Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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— 104 —

referred to elsewhere. According to him the prom. San
bartholomeo viego, where, according to Behaim, the
Portuguese set up a Padrao, and then returned home,
was in the vicinity of Cabo frio 18° 23' S.

Tropical South Africa.1
In the north west:—

wii/te zimatrot (F 5 s). An attempt to translate
Ptolemy's ' Cinnamomifera terra ' ?
jorca (E 5 s), Jom only.
cimaide (E 6 s), Jom: timaide.
del/ar (E 8 s), Walds: delsam.
zema (E 9 s), Walds: do.
abja (E 11 s), Walds : abia.

motia (E 12 s), Jom: mathroc, Ghil: metia, Walds
(1516): Meta.

Western branch of Nile:—

saraff (E 13 s), Jom: saroff, Walds (1507): saraff
lacus. Undoubtedly Lake Tsana.

quariffa (E 8 s), Walds: quarissa. A town Quaritza
(Korata) on Lake Tsana ?

laguda (L 5 s), Walds : laguia.

On Central branch of Nile:—
fefdla (E 9 s), Walds : sessila.

On Eastern Branch :—

hirii (F 15 s), Hiere of Harff and Walds.
fanguio (F 10 s).

zabara (F 7 s), Harff and Walds (1507): the same.

semba (F 4 s), Jom: seneba.

Near the east coast:—

effigea (E 20 s).

pilong (E 19 s), Jom : philang.

geflastra (E 16 s), Ghil: golasta.

taras (E 13 s), Ghil: taro.

tocuma (E 13 s).

gargi/a (E 12 s), Harff and Walds (1507) have the
same name.
lipo (E 5 s).

South of the Mountains of the Moon :—
dedul (E 18 s), Walds : dedel.
marmi (E 18 s).

mar/i (E 20 s), Ghil: Masi, Jom : lgnette marsi.
tocon (E 22 s), Jom and Ghil: teron, near it two

adra (E 19 s), Walds the same. Perhaps Adia
(Hadiya) in South Abyssinia.

Gafat (D 19 s), Walds (1507): gusat, but (1516): gafat,
undoubtedly the country Gafat, south of the White Nile.

reba (F 19 s), Jom and Ghil: veba, Walds (1516): vabi
lacus dulcis. It is the Webi in Somaliland.

nichia (F 25 s), Doppelmayr: nibia, Jom : Nubia.

gamma (F 20 s), Harff and Walds the same. A
district of that name in Abyssinia.

scena (F 12 s), Jom: suna, Ghil: sena, Walds (1507):
soeua. This I believe to be a corrupt spelling of Sceva,
i.e., Shewa, Shwa, Shoa.

gra/eit (F 24 s), Jom and Ghil: grafat; Giov. Leardo's
Grasiti to the south of the Empire of Prester John.

Cgrarben (F 25 s), Doppelmayr: giarbo, Jom : cyarbon.

larch (F 23 s), Ghil: jarch, Jom : jach.

gra/e (F 25 s), a duplicate of graseit ?

lamhin (E 25 s).

tella (E 28 s), Doppelmayr : vella. Telia, a tributary
of the Takazzi. Vella, a town on the Red Sea.
oni (E 34 s), Jom only.
lacasto (E 30 s), Murr: lacarto.
norbion (E 30 s).
safje (F 28 s) Jom only.
blassa (F 34 s) Murr only.
viceon (F 33 s) Murr ricon.
cyro (F 26 s), Cyno[cephali] ?
caroneta (F 24 s), Ghil: tarometa.

hie ift ein fantig verprent land
torride zone genant iibel bewont dan
allein an den enden do man waf/er
gehaben mag (E 26 s).

jn difem land i/l fomer ah voir in
europa winter haben und jo voir winter
haben fo haben fi somer (F 28).

Here is a sandy, burnt-up country
called torrid zone, thinly peopled, and
only on its borders where water can
be had.

In this country it is summer when
it is winter in Europe, and when it
is winter with us they have summer.


Zanzibar insula, Zanzibar (G 38 s) with a miniature
showing a priest instructing two children.
ezig a town (G 40 s).

dife in/el genant Zanzibar hot umb-
fangen 2,000 meil die hott ire aigene,
konik und jre be/under sprach und die
inwoner petten abgotter an find grofj
leut gleieh wan jr einer hatt vier unfer
man fterck und jr ainer i/l fo vil als
anderfiinf menfchen fie gin al nacket
und find all fehwarz leut faft un-
gestalt mit grofen langen oren weiten
miinden grof fchrechliche augen hend
zu viermalen groffer dan ander leut
hend jre weiber find auch alfo graufam
anzufehen wie die man dis volk nert
fich der datellen milch reis und
fleifch kein wein wechft bey in fi
machen aber gut tranck von reis und
von zucker grofe kaufmanfchaft
gefchicht bej jn von ambra und von
helfont zenen do findt vil helfant
leven und leoparden auch gyraffen
und leonzen und vil andere thier di
faft ongeleich unfern thierenfindt dis
befchreibt marco polo in dritlen puch
an dtm xlj capitel (H 41 s).

Compare Waldaeemiilier'a Map of South Africa, Map 2.

This island, called Zanzibar, has
a circumference of 2,000 miles; it
has its own king and separate
language; the inhabitants worship
false gods; they are big men, and
they are as strong as four of our
men, and eat as much as five of
them. They all go naked, and are
all black and very much mis-shapen,
with big long ears, broad mouths,
dreadful eyes, and hands four times
bigger than the hands of other men.
And their women are as ugly as are
their men. These people live on
dates, milk, rice, and meat. Their
country does not produce wine,
but they make a good drink of
rice and sugar. There is much
trade in ambergris and elephant
tusks. Many elephants, lions and
leopards are found there, as also
giraffes, and dogs, and many other
animals, very different from our
animals. Marco Polo in the 3rd
book and the 41st chapter [Pipino's
version] describes all this.

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