Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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— 118 —

Breusing, a. (d. 1892, director of
a naval college), 3, 13, 16, 20.

Britk8 (Beatriz), wife of D. Fernando
, Duke of Vizeu, 47, 48.

British Isles, 74.

Brito Rebbllo, Jacinto Ignacc
(1906), 19.

Brittany, 79.

Buja, 98.

Burba-Sin, 24, 99.

Burburum, King of Jolof, 24, 99.

CaBO LEDO, 24, 27, 103.
Cabbal, Pedro Alvarez (disc, of

Brazil, b. 1460, d. 1526), 15, 17,

19, 37.

Cadamosto, Luigi (b. 1432, 1456

in West Africa), 68, 69, 76, 99.
Caffa, 80.
Cairo, 89, 97.

Callibthenes, Pseudo- (c. 400), 96.
Calvetonus. See Chauveton.
Camden, William (antiquary, b.

1551, d. 1623), 75.
Cananea, Riode, 37.
Canaries, 76.
Candia, 80.
Candyn, 88.

Canerio, Nicolas de, his map (1502),

29, 36, 39.
Cantino, Alberto, his map (1502),

26, 27, 29, 36, 103.
Canto, Ernesto do (Editor of' Arch.

dea Acores,' 1878-94), 3, 29, 47,

50, 56, 113.
Cantor, on the Gambia, 69, 101.
Cao, Diogo (voyages, 1482-86),


Cape Cross (Padrao of, 1485), 22.

Cape of Good Hope, 23.

Cape Verde isles, 76.

Carahania, 82, 83.

Carli, Giovanni Rinaldo (b. 1720,
d. 1795), 40.

Carpini, Giovanni di Pian de. See
Pian de Carpini.

Cabvalho. See Vasconcellos.

Casanova, Senhora (artist), 61.

Cabas. See Las Casas.

Ca8TAnheda, Fernao Lopez (historian
, d. 1559), 12.

Castilho, Alexandre Magno de,

Castilla, 79.

Catalan Map of 1375, 64, 65, 66,

80, 81, 95, 101.
Cataldo de Aquila (tutor to D.

Jorge, 1494), 12, 44.
Cathai, 92.
Caucasus, 81.

Cazuto (Congo ambassador, 1488—

90), 22, 66.
Cbllabius, Christ, (historian, b.

1638, d. 1707), 48.

Celtes (Pickel) Conrad (humanist,

b. 1459, d. 1508), 3, 42, 43.
C^hekule, 69.
Ceylon, 86.

Chagas, Frei Diogo das, 114.
Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro (historian,
1852), 3.

Chables the Bold of Burgundy
(b. 1433, d. 1477), 8, 43.

Chauveton, Urbain (of Geneva,
1535), 35.

Christ, Obder of, 31.

Ciamba, 85.

Cinnamon, 26, 72, 87.

Cintba, Pedro de (1462), 63, 99.

Cipangu (Japan), 34, 89.

Cladeba, Christobal (1791), 3, 40.

Clavus Swartho, Claudius (1423),

Clemenfu, 90, 92.

Cochia (Kukiya), 69.

Codine, J. (b. 1817, d. 1894), 22,

23, 30, 60, 85, 103.
Coelho, Gonzalo (1503 to India),


Coignet, Michel (of Antwerp, 1581),

Columbus, Bartholomew (b. 1461,

d. 1514), 13, 32, 33, 36.
Columbus, Christopher (b. 1451,

d. 1506), 12, 13, 17, 32, 35, 57,


Columbus, Ferdinand (b. 1488, d.

1539), 33.
Commanus, Manuel (b. 1443, d.

1487), 96.
Condeb, C. R. (b. 1848), 94.
Congo, river, 21, 103.
Congo, kingdom, 22.
Constantinople, 80.
Conti, Nicolo de' (travelled in East,

1415-40), 88, 94.
Contractus, Hermann (d. 1054),


Cooley, William Desborough (d.

1883), 65.
Coote, C. H. (b. 1839, d. 1899),


Cobdeibo, Antonio, S.J. (b. 1641,

d. 1722), 12, 39, 48.
Cordeiro, Luciano (b. 1844, d.

1900), 16, 21, 50.
Cordier, Prof. Henri (b. 1849), 63,

Corfu, 30.
Corrambert, E., 61.
Correa, Diogo Fernandez (factor

at Antwerp, 1492), 44, 45.
Correa, Caspar (historian, d. 1570),

19, 23, 35, 38.
Cortereal, Joao Vaz (d. 1497),


1 irtereal, Manuel d'Utra (grandson
cf Joz d'Utra I.), 50.

Cortez, Martin (son of the conqueror
of Mexico), 16.

Cosa, Juan de la (pilot of Columbus
, killed 1509), 13, 27, 35, 36,
68, 103.

Couto, Diogo de (historian, b. 1542,
d. 1616), 53.

Covilha, Pero de (1486 to Abyssinia
), 12, 24.

Crates of Mallos (d. 145 b.c.), 65.

Cbesques, Hasdai (author of Catalan
Map, 1375), 66.

Crimean Tartars, 80.

Cbopp, Dr. A. C. (1848), 60.

Cross-Staff, 13, 16.

Cunha, Tristao da (d. about 1550),
19, 37.

Cunningham, General Alex., R.E.

(b. 1817, d. 1893), 85.
Cylinder (Sundial), 17.
Cyprus, 81.

Daenhardt, H. (German Consul
at Lisbon), 4, 11.

Dapper, Olfert (physician and geographer
, d. 1670), 12, 26.

Darius (defeated by Alexander,
331 b.c.), 90.

Dauphine, 79.

Davis, John (navigator, b. 1549,

d. 1605), 17.
De Goeje, M. J. (1890), 77.
Dei, Benedetto (b. 1418, d. 1492,

visited Timbuktu), 101, map 5.
Dely, 85.
Denmabk, 77.

Dennett, r. e. (African merchant),

Desplagne, Lieut., 69.

Dias, Batholomeu (Disc, of Cape),

1487-8), 33, 66.
Dog-faces, 23.

Donato, Francesco (Duke of Venice,

1545-53), 64.
Doppelmayb, J. C. (b. 1671, d.

1759), 3, 30, 40, 60, 61, 98, 104.
Doppere, Remboudt de (1496), 45.
Dobia, Teodosio, and the brothers

Vivaldi (1291), 25.
Dorpp, Jorius van (clothier of

Mechlin, 1476), 8.
Drummond, Francisco Ferreira, of

Terceira (1800), 7.
Dulcert, Angelino, of Mallorca

(1339), 36, 75, 77, 101.
Dulmo, Fernao, of Terceira (1486),

29, 41, 47, 50, 77.
Durer, Albrecht (b. 1471, d. 1558),


Duro, Cesare Fernandez (Captain

Spanish Navy, d. 1908), 21.
Dutba. See Hurter.

JLDRISI, AbuAbdaleh Muhamed
ben Muhamed (b. 1099, d. 1180),

Edward IV. of England (b. 1442,

d. 1483), 43, 45.
Egypt, 97.
Elmina, 100.

Encisa, Martin Fernandez de (in

West Indies, 1510), 19, 37, 38.
England, 75.

English Brotherhood at Lisbon,

English Sea, 73.
ephemeride8, 18.

Eratosthenes (b. 273 b.c., d. 194),

Ebrara, Prof. Carlo (1904), 41.
Espada, Marcos Jimenez de la

(1877), 46.
Estreito, Joao Affonso do, of

Madeira (1486), 29, 41, 47, 50.
Etzlaub, Erhard (b. 1460, d. 1538),


Eugen IV. (Pope, 1436-47), 89.
Eyb, Bartholomeus von, 6, 7, 8.

Faleiro, Ruy (astronomer,

d. 1529), 14.
Fayal and the Azores, 46, 75.
Febdinand, Valentin (printer), 2,

10, 28, 37, 48, 68, 76, 100, 114.
Ferghani (d. 830), 13.
Fernandez, Joao (1445-7), 59.
Febnando, Duke of Vizeu (son of

Duarte V.,b. 1433, d. 1470), 32,

46, 76.

Fernando (son of King Manuel,

1528), 68.
Febrer, John (1346), 99.
Fez, 98.

Ficalho, Conde de (1874-84), 25.
Filastre, Cardinal Guillaume

(1413), 95.
Fiorini, Matteo (b. 1827, d. 1901),

57, 58.

Fischer, Jos., S.J. (b. 1858), 28,
36, 70.

Flemings on the Guinea Coast, 25.
Flemish Settlebs in Fayal, 47.
Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de (1518),

Forster, Helene von (1907), 53.
Fosse, Eustache de la (1483), 21.
Foubnieb, George, S.J. (b. 1595,

d. 1652), 16, 17.
Fbance, 79.
Frankfurt fairs, 8.
Frederick III., German Emperor

(b. 1415, d. 1493), 18, 45, 69.
Kurii:i . Anselmo Braancamp

(archaeologist, 1901), 31, 47, 49.

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