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Wolfstieg, August
Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (Band I)
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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St. Jolin the Baptist. By Thoni.
Dtinckerley. London: Davey & Law
[usw.] 1757. 40 S. 8°
[Dasselbe.] 2. ed. Ebendas. 1758.
24 S. 4°

Abdr. a. I.Rede in: The Pocket Conxpanion.
2. ed. 1759 S. 332—338; °The Freemasons'
Pooket Companion. 1761; °Le akes, "W. M.:
Sermon preached June M. 1777; Masonic
Institutes. 1847 S. 137—150 (Oliver, GL:
The golden Remains. l).

Auszug d. l. Rede in: FM. 1 (1793) S. 364
Ibis 366; Sa dl er, H.: Thom. Dunckerley.

1891 S. 280—284.

cf. Fr. 37 (1898) S. 476 (W. J. Hughan).

Kl. 836. Äusserst selten. Bis 1898 war nur
l Exemplar der l. Ausg. bekannt, das sich
i. d. □ Quatuor Coronati, London, befindet.

2. Ausg. in 281.

°1362. Gespräch der drei Brüder zu Sanssouci
. Speyer 1767. 8°
Kl. 361.

1363. AcandidDisquisition of theprinciples
and praetices of the most aneient and
honourable soeiety of free and accepted
masons; together with some strictures
on the origin, nature and design of that i
institution. By Wellins Caleott.
London: Selbstverl. 1769. XXXII,
243 S. 8°

°[Dasselbe.] Ebendas. 1769. 237,
17 S. 8«

°[Dasselbe.] Boston 1772. 256 S. 8°

KL 369. 23. 25.

A candid Disquisition of the principles

and praetices of the most aneient and
honourable soeiety of free and accepted
masons; together with strictures on the j
origin, nature and design of that in- i
stitution. By Wellins Caleott, and
other masonic writers of the 18. Century
. With oopious notes by George (
Oliver. London; Spencer 1847. IV,
303 S. 80 I

(Oliver, G.: The golden Remains. 2.)

Aus Calcott's Candid disquisition um sind
Einl., Kapitel 1—4, S. 116—iw vom Anh.
u. eine Rede von Caleott naeh einer Meister-
aufn&hnie abgedr. Die Überschriften d. von
Oliver als „Vorlesungen* bezeichneten
einzelnen Kapitel u. Absehnitte u. d. Motti
rühren vom Hrsg. her. Enthalt außerdem
Vorlesungen von (i. Smith u. W. Bodd n.
anonym: The trae Principles of masonry
explained. äs. 26.

°[Wellins] Calcott's Masonry with

considerable additions und improve-
ments» contain. some orig. matter never
befüre printed. Philadelphia: Desilver
1817« 2f08 S. 8^ 1

Scheint e. amerikan. Ausg. d. Ganöid disquisition
zu sein.

[Bartkelmtss, B.: Bibtiopr, I. iVmrrf. 1866
S. 23.]

1364. Bei Liberi Muratori letta» soritta per
importunita. Veneria 1769; Fenso.
LX S» 8® 1
Kl. 370. Selten. u% j

1365. Illustrations of masonry. [Von Will.
Preston.] London: Solbstveri, William«
[in Komm.] 1772. XXIV, 264 E 8° 1

°[Dasselbe.] Reprint of the rare 1. ed..
with biogr. notice by Will. W a t s o n.
London 1887. 8°

[Dasselbe.] 2. ed. corr. and enl.
London: Wilkie 1775. XVir, 300 S. 8^

[Dasselbe.] A new ed., -with additions.
London: Wilkie 1781. XXIV, 336 S. 8<>

[Dasselbe.] By Will. Preston. A new
ed., with alterations and corrections.
London: Wilkie 1788. XXIV, 360 S. 8°'

[Dasselbe.] 8. ed. with additions and
improvements. Ebendas. 1792. XXIV».
408 S. 8°

[Dasselbe.] 9. ed. with considerable
additions. Ebendas. 1796. XXIV,
420 S. 8°

°[Dasselbe.] 1799.

[Dasselbe.] 10. ed. With considerable*
additions. Ebendas. 1801. XXIV,
408 S. 8»

°[Dasselbe.] 1. amerio. ed. from the
10. London ed. 1804. X, 560 8. 8(>

°[Dasselbe.] 1. amerio. improved ed.:.
to which is annexed niany valuable
masonic addenda; and a complete list
of all the lodgo» in the United iStates
of America, ed. by George Richards.
Portamouth 1804*. 400 S. 8°

[Bartk$lm$9$P JR,: Bibliogr. d. JVmrei. 18$$.
S, i#.]

[Dasselbe.] IL ed. laondon: Wilkie
1804. XXIV, 420 B. 8°

[Dasselbe.] 12. cd. London: Wilkie
1812. XXIV, 444 K 2 Tai 8°

[Dasselbe.] 13. ed. with corrections
and additiomt, by »Stephon Jones.
London: Whittaker 1821. XXII, 432 ö.
1 Titelbild. 8°

[D a s s elbe.] 14. ed. with additions to
the present time and notea, illustrative
and explanatory. By George Oliver.
London: Whittaker,* Treacher & Co.
1829. XXIV, 456 N. 8°

°[DasHelbe.] 15, ed. With additions
and oopious not« by George Oliver.
London: Whittaker & Co. 1840. 8°

[Dasselbe.] Uniform americ, ed. Reprint
, from the 15. London ed. of 1840.
Philadelphia: Hynoman jlSfli], (Ma-
Library. 1 (IH69) B. 215—519.)

[Dasselbe.] A new ed., rev., with.
copiona note* and additions, bringing
down the hi&tory of frcemoaonry to 1841»
by G[eorgc| o'livrr. London: Whittaker
& Co. [1841]. 8»

[Dassel b©.] 1& «L With additions,.
and eopiouÄ noten, by Georgo Oliver.
London: Whittakw <fe Co. 1846. XXIVr

A TiA 1» Oll

c|l>ai«i*lba] A a&w od. with copious-
note«, and bringing down tho hwtory of
fm*maHi>nry down to the year 1829, bjr

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