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405 —

mime description of all its branches,
from the original to the present time:
As it is deliv. in the constituted regulär
lodges, both in city and country, aceording
to the several degrees of admis-
sions: Giving an impartial aecount of
their regulär proceedings in initiating
their new members in the whole three
degrees of free masonry; Viz. I. Enter'd
prentice. II. Fellow craft. III. Master.
With a new and exact list of regulär
lodges, aceording to their seniority and
Constitution. By Sam. Prien ard. To
which is added, the author's vindi-
cation of himself; together with the
copy of the oath that he took before an
alderman, that this was a true copy of
free masonry. Likewise, a collection of
free masons songs, toasts, and senti-
ments, &c. London: Nicoll. Reprinted
Dublin: Wilkinson [vor 1777]. 32 S. 4°

Ausserordentlich selten. Enth. Pi'ichards
Masonry dissected. Die anf dem Tit. angekündigte
Reolitfertigungsschr. des Verf. u.
die Lieder fehlen. Bubiin [ea 1777] in 446.

[Holland. Übers, u. d. Tit.:]

° De Metselaar ontmomd, of het
rechte geheim der vrye metselaren ont-
dekt, in allen deele oprechtelyk en zonder
achterhouding, door en geweezen vryen
metselaar. [d. i. Thom. Wilson, auch
W o 1 s o n. ] Met koperen platen. Arnhem
1753. 8°

[Dasselbe.] 4. dr. o. 0. 1780. 99 S.
3 Taf. 8° "

°[Dasselbe.] Met 3 platen. o. 0.
[1783]. 8°

[Dasselbe.] 5. dr. o. 0. 1804. VII,
96 fcj. 3 Taf. 8°

[Dasselbe.] Door Thom. [Wilson,
auch] Wolson. 6. dr. o. 0. 1805. VII,
96 S. 3 Taf. 8°
°[Dasselbe.] o. O. 1806. 8°

KL 1884.

1763 in 45. 47; 4. dr. in 3; 5. in 430; ß. in 193.

°29976. Waarsehuwing* voor't publicq of de

geschonden eere der edele en waare vry-

metselary verdedigt; door een strenge

gee«el voor Thom. [Wilson, auch] Wol- [

zon, schryver van zeker lasterschrift,

genaamt: Godsdienst en gevoelens der J

vrve metzelaaren; 's Hage: v. Os, [usw. t

cal 1751.] 16 S. 8° i

Sehr selten. Verf. will einen rechten Begriff der j
Frmrgeheimnisse geben; veranlasst durch }
Th. Wilson's Ma^on demasqne. 1751. 48.


°29977. The Free Mason examin'd; or, The
world brought out of darkness into
light. Being. an authentiek aecount of
all the secrets of the antient society of
free-masons, which have been handed
down by oral tradition only, from the
Institution, to the present time. In
which is particnlarly clescribed, the whole
ceremony used at making masons, as it
has been hitherto practised in all the

lodges round the giobe; by which any
person, who was never made, may in-
troduce himself into a lodge ... With
notes, explanatory, historical, and cri-
tical. To which are added, the author's
reasons for the publication hereof, and
some remarks on the conduet of the
author of a pamphlet call'd masonry
dissected [d. i. Sam. Prichard]. Witha
new and correct list of all the regulär
lodges, under the Bnglish Constitution,
aceording to their late removals, and
additions. By Alex. Slade. London:
Griffiths 1754.
°[Dasselbe.] 2. ed. 1754

°[Dasselbe.] 4. ed. with additionai
notes 1754.

0 [Dasselbe.] 5. ed. [1758].
[Dasselbe.] [Neudr.] o. 0. o. J. VII,
8—24 S. 8°

°[Dasselbe.] 6. ed. [1758].

°[Dasselbe.] 1770.

ef. AQ0. 20 1907 S. 95—107 (J. T. Thorp),

107—111, 366.

Kl. 544b. i. Ausg. selten; vorhanden in der
Prov. (Möge von Woreestershire; 2. Ausg.
im Brit. Museum. Dass die l. Aufl. 1740
erschien, ist zweifelhaft.

[AQG. 20 (1907) S. 95J

5. ed. Neudr. o. J. in 358 a.

°29978. De Vrye Metselaar. Dordrecht:
Blusse 1754.

cf. MW. Ser. 2 Jg. 12 (1875) No 7.
Rituelle Schrift.

29979. Le Secret de la societe anti-absurde

devoile; par quelqu'un n'en est pas.

Nouv. ed. avec figures. Cologne 1729.

26 S. 4 Kpfr. 8° [Umschlagtit.]

Kl. 350. Selten. Parodie auf die Aufnahme
u. den Frmrkatechismus. 23.

[Deutsehe "Übers, u. d. Tit.:]

Das entdeckte Geheimniss der antiabsurden
Gesellschaft; durch jemand,
der kern Mitglied davon ist. Aus cl.
Franz. Mit Kupfern. 061m 1759. 26 S.,
4 Kpfr. 8°

KL 351. 1Ö3.

°29980. The Secrets of the free masons revea-
led by a disgusted brother. Contain. an
ingenuous aecount of their origin, their
practiees in the lodges, signs and watch
words; proceedings at the making, and
the method used to find a mason, when
in a foreign country, &c, &c, as it
ever was, and ever will be, to which is
added the favourite songs of the masons
as sung in every lodge; and an exact
list of all the regulär lodges. 2. ed. London
: Scott 1759. 32 S/ 8°
Abgedr. in: MM. 8 (mo-1881) S. 441—452.
cf. Fr. 14 (1880) S. 133 (A. F. A. Woodford).
Kl. 1886. Selten.

[FMaM. 4 (1858) S. 869.] 26.

°29981. The three distinet Knocks, or The
door of the most antient free-masonry,
opening to all men, neither naked nor
cloath'd, bare-foot nor shod, &e. Being

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