Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., F 761,r-3
Wolfstieg, August
Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (Register)
Seite: 352
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Bibliographische Information
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Zugehörige Bände

  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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Okkultismus u. Frmrei......14383

— Ii. d. Illuminatenorden..... 4294,0

— u. Teufel............23872

Oktober 1845 ........... 807


Olbcrg, Fol. v.: Reden auf Berthold . 13964
Olbrich, Karl: Frmr im dtsch. Volksglauben
............ 3760

— Trümmerfeld d. hellen. Kat.-Loge zu

Oid Charges..........5713ff.

Oldenburg. Loge Abel. Logengesch. 11890


— — IVütgl. - Verzeichnis......11895

— Loge %. gokL Hirsch. Auswahl v.
Frmrliedern.......... 40090

-— — Bibliographie......• . 46

— — Erionerungstag d. Rehabilitierung

— — Hauseinweihung.......11898

— Jubiläum......... 11892ff.

—• Katalog........... 302

— Lied f. Halem........ 16021

— Lieder f. Rennenkampff « . 18077ff.

— Liederbuch......... 40098

— Logengesch...... 11889.11891ff.

— Lokal- u. Hausgesetze . . . 21280ff.

— Mrgesänge.......... 39972

— Mitgl.-Verzeichnis......11896

— Rundschreiben..... 8196. 20421

— Stiftung d. Loge.......11897

— Trauer löge f. Lippe..... 17064

— Trauerlogo f. Wilhelm I. . . . 19384

— Logengesch....... 7472. 11889ff.

Oldendorff, A.: Frmrei u. soziale Frage 28003
Oldesloe. Mitgl.-Verzeichnis .... 11903
Olfcrs-Stiftung s. Buch- von Olfers-


Olirer, Georg: Account on the schism 35918

— M-secing eye ......... 31858

— Antiqwties of frmry . . . . 4096.4812

— Apology............23144

Apron, mas...........31361

• Beauties of frmry........ 31671

■ Beneyolenoe of frmry ...... 37291

1)1© ............. 32291

v Biographisches........ 17709ff.

Blazing Star .......... 32754

- 'Book of lodge......... 33205

- Cloudy canopy .........31859

- Century of aphorisms...... 25693

- Ceremonies............31414

- Character of frmry.......1859

- Cherubim........... . 31880

- Circle............ . 32408

- Cläre............. 14482

- Conseeration....... . . . 36316

- Orucifix ............ 14592

(Jypher writing . . ....... 19976

Darlatens of the 3rd degree . . . 35359

Docorations.......... 30733

Dedieation and conseeration . . . 34723

Irst degree...........35005

2nd degreo...........35198

3rd degree ........... 35375

D&frzg» +........ 32791

Oliver, Georg: Desaguliers..... 14632

— Dictionary of symbol. mry .... 1308

— Discrepancies of frmry.....1479

— Doctrines contained in the lodge lec-
turcs . . .'..........21722

— Enquiry............ 4969

— Flammender Stern....... 32753

— Form of a lodge........ 30730

— Frmry.......... 4825. 21717

— Frmry and allegory.......31487

— Frmry and objections of the Anglo-
Indian clergy.......... 25089

— Frmry of anc. times......4902

— Government of the lodge .... 20287

— Hist. of frmry....... 4254. 4827

— Hist. of initiation........33193

— Hist. of mas. persecution .... 4333

— Hist. of the William Lodge . . . 6064

— Illustrations..........1365

— Increase of frmry........ 38245

— Influence of frmry....... 28985

— Initiation into the frmry . . . . 33199

— Insignia of Royal Arch...... 35919

«— Jurisprudence......... 20082f.

— Ladder.............32121

— Landmarks...........20156

— Legend of the 3rd degree .... 33072

— The 3 great lights....... 32236

— Lodge Lectures.........31307

— Lodges............. 5047

— Manningham.......... 17208

— Manual............ 953

— Mirror for mry......... 33204

—■ Name of a lodge........ 30470

— Number 3 ........... 34008

— Nürnberg........ 33024. 33030f.

— Oration of the excellencies of frmry 3620

— Orders and degrees of mry . . . 34778

— Origin of the spurious frmry 4908. 43029

— Origin of hieroglyphics..... 32010

— Origin of Royal Arch degree . . . 20127

— Origin of the Royal Arch Order . 35920

— Ornaments, furniture and jewels 31933

— Papal teachings......... 23343

— Perfection of mry........ 4909

— Philosophy of frmry......24131

— Pillar of wisdom........ 29484

— Pillars of strength and beauty . . . 29515

— Poetry and philosophy of frmry . 39563

— Point within a circle...... 32486

— Point in the Pythagorean triangle 31898

— Pythagorean triangle......31896

— The gold. remains ........ 883

— Remarks on the mason. literature . 370

— Revelations of a Square...... 13623

— Serpent............ 32676

— Signs and symbols.......31623

— SÖll of anc. masons...... 4907

— Songs of mry.......... 39583

— Speculative mry........ 21691

— Sprit of mry..........21609

— Star in the east........ 22981

— State of frmry ......... 5576

— State of mas. science......21723

—— clun « . . . . . . . . m 32459

— Symbol of glory * . * . . . . ,

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