Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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— 79 —

oefterreich (E 49), Austria.
wien (E 48), Vienna.
linz (E 47).
Jnfpruck (E 46).
trieft (E 45).

Zuritz (D 48),fchwitz (E 49), Schwitz, Switzerland.
gotthart (D 46), the Pass of St. Gotthard.


frankreich (D 50), France.

paris (D 50), with coat of arms of the city. Actual
lat. 48° 50' N.

picardia (D 53), Picardy.

amiens (D 52).
artois (D 51).

calis (D 52), Calais.
Havre de grace is shown on the Paris facsimile,
although the town was only founded in 1517. No name
is now to be traced on the original, but perhaps Roan
(Rouen) stood there once.
caen (D 51).

britania (D 49), bretagna (D 50), Brittany.

bre/t (D 50).

renes (D 49).

nantes (D 48).
Off Britania lies the island of Jer/ei (D 49), one of the
Channel Islands.
poitou (D 48).
anger/ (D 47).
saintange (D 46).

bordeau (D 46), actual lat. 44° 50' N.

limoges (D 47).

tolo/a (D 45), Toulouse.

montpellier (D 44).

poitiers (D 49).

orlean/(D 49).

clermont (D 47).

lyon (D 47).

dauphine (D 46), Dauphine'.

delphina (D 43). Delphinatus is the Latin name for
the Dauphine', but the name on the globe as well as the
flag, point to Marseilles, although that ancient port never
formed part of the Dauphine. The flag seems to be a
combination of the flags of Provence, Toulon and


konikr. poriogallia (D 42), Kingdom of Portugal, with
Royal Standard.

lisbon (D 40), actual lat. 38° 42' N.
setubal (D 40).
algarve (D 30).
alentejo (D 41).
minho (D 42).


Castile and Aragon (Spain).

hi/pania (D 43 and 45), with a Royal Standard of
Castile and Leon.

Castillo, (D 4l')> ca/tello (D 38), Castile.
soria (D 43).
salamanca (D 41).
galicia (D 45), with the Royal Standard of Leon and

Santiago (D 43), the famous place of pilgrimage,
Santiago de Compostella, with an image of the saint off
the coast.

asturia (D 44).
vi/caia (D 44), Biscay.
navarra (D 44).
murzia (D 40).
andalu/ia (D 40).
sevilla (D 39).

cales, cadiz (D 38), Cales, evidently a corruption of
Gades, the ancient name of this famous town. The
Royal Standard of Leon and Castile rises at the entrance
to the Strait, that of Portugal facing it on the African

granada, granata (D 38), with the old Moorish flag of
Granada (a pomegranate in red). Granada was captured
from the Moors 1492.

arago (D 41 and 43), with the red and gold flag of

Catalonia (D 43).

Valencia (D 41).

ibifa (D 39), maiorca and minorca (D 40), the Balearic


Jtalia (E 43), Italy.

rom (E 41), with two saints (Peter and Paul) kneeling
off the coast.

neapel (E 41), Naples.
calabria (E 39).
taranto (E 40).

chiela (E 42), Chieti ? (between Bari and Brindisi).
loreto (E 43), the famous place of pilgrimage.
florenf (E 43), Florence.

venedig (E 45), with the winged lion of St. Mark of

lombardj, Lombardia (D 43).

mailant (E 44), Milan.
genua (E 43), Genoa.
nizza (D 43), Nice.
pimond (D 44), Piemont.
saffoia (D 45), Savoy.
cor/ica (D 40).

Sardinia ( D 37), with the flag of Genoa.
Silcija, ficilia (E 36 and 38), with the Royal Flag of

ma/fina (E 39), Messina.
Jiracu/a (E 37), Syracuse.

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