Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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— 81 —

According to Jomard this legend reads as follows :—

D. Kaiser | oger sohmert | genannt | in vergot |
Zardius | tartaria.

Ghillany has:—

Kaiser | ufer | schuert | in ver | gat zaraia | in tartar
| ia.

Room is left for a miniature. Zara is evidently Sarai
(see above), destroyed in 1480. As to the name of the
" Emperor " I can offer no suggestion.

Asia Minor.

Unless where stated otherwise the following names
have been taken, directly or indirectly, from Ptolemy's

Bithynia (Ptolemy V 1).

nicomedia (F 42), mod. Ismid.

heraclea (F 42), Heraclea Pontica, mod. Eregli.
Asia (E 41), (Ptolemy V 2).

lopardita (E 41), with a Turkish flag (crescent and
star in red).

pergama (E 40), Pergamum, mod. Bergama.

cyrinae (E 39), Myrina.

Smyrna (E 38), mod. Ismir.

S. Blacg (E 38).

cnidus (E 36).

sardus (E 40), Sardes.

rodes (E 35 ); Rhodus is without a flag, although held
by the Knights of St. John up to 1522.
licia (F 37), Lycia (Ptolemy V 3).

pultara (E 36), Patara.

abala (F 39) ?
Galatia (Ptolemy V 4).

aminfus (F 43), Amisus, mod. Samson.

ancyra (F 39).

angora (F 39), the modern name of Ancyra.
Pamphylia (Ptolemy V 5).

side (F 37), Side, a fishing village; Atalia, the chief
town, is omitted.

capadocia (F 40) (Ptol V 6), Cappadocia.

auria (F 40) seems to be a mutilated Caesarea, the
mod. Kaisaria (Ptol V 6)

amajia (F 42), mod. Amasia.

trapezuf(F 43), mod. Trebizonda or Tarabzon, with a
Turkish flag (crescent in red). The last Byzantine ruler
was beheaded by Mohamed II. in 1461.

fchifta (F 40), Sebastea of Ptolemy, mod Siwas.

colonia (F 42) ?
cilicia (F 88) (Ptolemy V 7).

tar/u/{¥ 37).

maniftra (F 37), possibly Vesconti's Malinistra at the
mouth of the Pyramus, or Jihun, the Malimistra on the
Catalan map (1375) and of A. Benincasa (1476).

The only names, on Jomard's and Ghillany's "facsimiles
" are Asia, Capadocia, Libia, Cilicia and a town
Jarapia. Is this Is :t a corruption of Caesarea ?

cipern (F 35 „ Cyprus, with the flag of Venice.
Cyprus was held by the Venetians (to whom it had been
ceded by Catarina Cornaro, the widow of the last king
of the House of Lu. igtian, in 1489) up to the year 1570,
when the Turks conquered it.


trani/lar ft. (F 47), on Jomard's facsimile only, is the
name of a river which Ptolemy, V 9, calls Vardanus, our
mod. Kuban.

zichi (F 43), the Zygi or Zichi of Strabo (II 31), the
Zinchi of Ptolemy (VI 9), the Ziga of Pietro Visconte,
the mod. Jigheti, in the western Caucasus.

phafis (F 46), Ptol V 9, the modern Rion. Jom has
a Lafen fl. which reminds one of the Lazi, to the south
of the Phasis (Pliny VI 3).

colchis (F 45), Ptol V 9, mod. Mingrelia.

Jberia (F 45), Ptol V 10, mod. Georgia.

albania (F 43), Ptol V 11, the South-eastern Caucasus
towards the Caspian.

porta te/ert (F 42), porta de feri, the Iron Gates, Jom
and Ghil only.


armenia (F 40), Ptolemy V 12, M. Polo I 13.
fala (F 41).

arche Noe (F 41), the Ark of Noah on a lofty
mountain, the Ararat, according to the ancient legends.
It already figures on the Map of St. Jerome (Miller,
III., 6).

mart (F 39), Mardi of Ptol V 13, M. Polo's Maredin
(I 13), mod. Mardin.


Sijria (F 35), Syria.
harara (F 35) ?
antiochia (F 33), far inland.

haleb (F 34), the ancient name of a town better known
by its Italianised name of Aleppo, the Beroea of Ptolemy
(V 15).

tripoli/(¥ 33), mod. Tripoli.

Jidon (F 32), mod. Saida.

tyruf (F 31), mod. es Sur, or Tyre.

dama/cus (F 31).
pale/tina (F 29), Palestine.
J tides (F 29), Judea.

Jerufalem, not even the picture of a town is given, but
a Saint (St. Peter ?) kneels on its site (F 30).

neapolis (F 31), mod. Nablus.

gaza (F 29), mod. Ghuzzeh.
Mount Sinai is shown, but no name is attached to it.


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