Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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Alte Drucke und Autorensammlungen

  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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— 82

Babylonia, etc.

Mesopotamia (F 35), Ptol V 17.
babilon (F 34), Ptol V 19.

caldea (F 31), with a coat of arms. Ptol V 19.
beym (F 33), in W. desert; Paris facs. only.
oliba (F 32), Jora and Ghil only.

zimbo (F 30), gemba of Jom and Ghil, Ptolemy's
Jamba ?

affiria (F 35 and 36), Assyria (Ptol VI1). A coat of
arms separates it from Parthia.


The following names are from Ptolemy:

arabia de/erta (F 30), Ptol V 18, the Syrian desert.

arabia petrea (F 27), Ptol V 16, the Sinai Peninsula,


arabia felix (F 19), Ptol VI 7, Yemen.

olhana (F 17), Albana (Ptol VI 7), mod. Khacuf.
laifm (F 15), Laththa (Ptol VI 7), mod. Kothbu.

lamocha (F 10), Jom and Ghil Amacha, Ptol Mard-
ache, W. of Aden.

Ahamarna (F 25) perhaps Aramava, Ptol VI 7.

rhatip (F 27), llhadu vicus (Ptol VI 7), Jom and Ghil

arno (F 27), Arre (Ptol V 7), mod. Hayil.
feira fabi (F 13), the Sabe regia, Ptol VI 7, mod Sab.
metrobel (F 13), perhaps Macpha metropolis, Ptol VI 7,
mod Magfa.

Sia (F 12), perhaps Syagros Prom VI 7.
Other well-known places in Arabia:
mahometgrab (F 26), Mohamed's Tomb at Medina.
mecca (F 24).

saba (F 13), the traditional residence of the Queen of
Sheba (1 Kings X.), now Jebel Saber, on the road from
Aden to Marib. Jom and Ghil have a royal tent, instead
of a patch of forest as on the original.

fochar (F 15), mod. Sohar, in Oman.

Islands on the coast of Arabia (Ptol VI 7):

jheaia (F 26), Ichara, mod. Abu Ali I.

ocha (F 25), on site of Ptolemy's Tharo, mod. Tarut.

chilus (F 25), Tylus (Chilus of Ulm edition of 1482),
mod. Owal (Bahrein).

fcrapion (G 19), Sarapidis I, mod. Masirah.

cinobo Infeln (F 15), Zenobii I, mod. Kurlan Murian.

onganon (G 20), Organa I, mod. Masirah.

The following towns of Arabia, mentioned by Marco
Polo (Pipino, III. 43-6, Ramusio III. 40-43, Yule's 3rd
edition III. 36-39), are placed in Africa or India owing to
a misprint or clerical error in Marco Polo's narrative,
where Escier is said to he S.E. (instead of N.W.) of

adem (F 12 in Africa, H 16 in India).
e/cier (H 17, in India) mod. Shehr.


dulfai (H 17 in India), mod. Dafar.
kalajati (G 21 in India), now Kalayati in Oman.
The following names I have not been able to trace
elsewhere or identify :—

gurano (F 26), Paris facs. only.
maizoma (F 25), Jom and Ghil only.
erpi (F 23).

cargolo (F 22), Jom : carguco.

Erfant (F 22).
fagen (F 22).
fatna (F 22), Ghil: falua.

tac (G 23), Jom and Ghil only.

anec (F 20), do.

ale/eres (F 17).

natirri (F 18), Jom and Ghil only.
manna (F 17), identical with
mema (F 16), Jom and Ghil only.
henca (F 14).
thiuck (F 15).
Ufa (F 19).
guro (F 21).
agraton (F 21).
ne/tra (F 22).

godosia (F 22), Jom and Ghil. Perhaps Gedolia, the
country of King Balthasar according to Otto of Freisingen.
fanami (F 23), Ghil: sanu vernitu.

boro (F 21).

ibry (F 24).
feth (F 28).

Persia, etc.

The following names are from Ptolemy:—

media (F 38), Ptol VI 2, mod. Irak..

idriara (G 33), Jom and Ghil: adriacat. Perhaps
Andriaca, Ptol VI 2.

Su/ana (F 31), Susiano, Ptol VI 3, now Khuzistan.

Sufas (F 32), Susa, Ptol VI 3, ruins 35 m. W.N.W.
of Shushter.

gran (F 32), Graan, Ptol VI 3.

raxiana (F 28), Taxiana I, Ptol VI 3.

perjia (F 32), Persis, Ptol VI 4, now Farsistan.
per/epolis (G 32), Ptol VI 4, ruins 30 m. N.E. of

cher/an/y (F 30), Chersonesus extrema, Ptol VI 4.
jonan (F 34), Jonacapolis, Ptol VI 4.
tabiama (F 28), Tabiana, I., Ptol VI 4.
Joptha (F 29), Sophtha I., Ptol VI 4.

parthia (G 34), Ptol VI 5, now Khorasan.

caramania (G 32), Carmania, Ptol VI 8, mod. Kirman.
salis (G 26), Sabis, Ptol VI 8.

aria (G 32 and 34), Arai, Ptol VI 8, W. Afghanistan
with Herat.

oragiana (G 22), tracpana of Jom and Ghil, Drangiana,
Ptol VI 19, mod. Seistan.

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