Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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R. de saint andre (D 4), the Rio de S. Andre, now
known as Sassandra, 5° N., 6° 3' W.

ponta da redis (D 3), not to be discovered along this
part of the coast. A cabo das redes, Cape of Nets, is
placed by Soligo to the west of Rio da Volta, and can
be identified with Barracoe Point.

stria morena (D 3), serra morena, " range of brown

angra de pouaraco (D 4), angra da povoacam, village

Ga/tel de loro (D 4) is clearly intended for the Castle
of S. Jorge da Mina, built 1482 by Azambuja, and the
only " castle " in Behaim's days along that coast, although
gold may have been obtained elsewhere.

re/gate de nave (D 4), i.e., a barter-place for ships,
perhaps Axim, where according to Barros there was a
" Feitoria de resgate de ouro," a factory for obtaining gold
by barter.

olig de S. Martin (D 4) (Jom : cly Smath). No river
S. Martin is mentioned elsewhere, and olig quite incomprehensible

bon de nao (D 3) ?

Rio de S. johan bapt. (D 3), the Rio de S. Joao o
Baptizante beyond Cabo das tres puntas, where Joao de
Santarem and Pero de Escobar first discovered gold in

tres pontas (D 3), cabo das tres puntas, Cape Three
Points. 4° 44' N, 2° 8' W.

minera quri (D 3), Mina d'ouro, a gold mine, corresponds
to the site of the Castle S. Jorge da Mina.

da volem (D 3), Rio da Volta, 50° 47' N, 0° 40' E.

angra tirin (D 3) ?

Jomard omits da volem and angra tirin and inserts
instead the incomprehensible names micaca, prometa and
virga. They are not given by Murr.

Villa freinte (D 3), Villa franca of Soligo, near the
present Porto Seguro, 6° 12' N., 1° 32' E.

terra bara (D 4), perhaps the terra baia of Soligo*
" brown land."

Villa longa (D 4), the position of which, according to
Soligo, corresponds with Whydah, 6° 20' N., 2° 3' E.

Ripa (D 4), perhaps riba, a hillock, high bank.

monte raso (D 5), " flat mountain," same as Soligo.

rio do logo (D 6), rio da lagoa, our River of Lagos,
6° 37' N., 8° 25' E.

di/er Jius ifl von portugal 1800 This river is 1,800 leagues or
lauge oder meil und flat liflbona flnd miles from Portugal and the city of
1200 teuche meil (D 6). Lisbon, which is equal to 1,200

German miles.

The distance, as measured on the globe, via Madeira
(see legend) is actually 1,200 Portuguese leagues of 17 ' 5
to a degree, which only equal 1,080 German miles; but
following the coast it is only 1,100 leagues. Elsewhere
(legend, p. 72) Behaim gives the distance to King Furfur's
Land as 1,200 leagues or miles.

Rio de fclavos (D 4), Rio dos escravos, Slave river

Rio de forcada (D 4), Rio dos forcados, thus called
because of the " forked tails " of big birds seen by the
discoverers, one of which is pictured to the north (Pacheco,
' Esmeraldo,' p. 73).

Rio de Ramos (D 4), Rio dos Ramos (Soligo), " River
of the boughs " (of Palm Sunday).

Rio de behemo (D 3), Behaim's River, not mentioned
by that name in any other document. It may represent
the main branch of the Niger, which enters the sea close
to the Cabo formosa where the coast turns to the east.

cauo formofo (D 3), 4° 14' N., 6° 11' E.

The nomenclature to the east of this well-known cape
is absolutely original, and cannot be identified with the
names given by other explorers, nor can it, owing to
the rude design of the globe, be referred to geographical
features of our modern maps. They are as follows :—

tiera da peneto (D 3) ; terra do penedo, "land of the

Rio da Sierra (D 3) might be connected with the serra
de Fernao Pd, if it were further to the east.

angra de ftefano (D 3), angra de Estevao.

golfo de grano (D 2), G. de grao, grain or corn bay,
perhaps Old Calabar.

Rio boncero (D 2), misspelt for biidetto (Benedetto) ?

Beyond this the surface of the globe had been
destroyed even when Murr examined it, and covered with
blue paint. This accounts, no doubt, from the absence
of the Island Fernando P6, of the Camarons Peak, and
of other features perfectly well known in Behaim's time.


The name Benin is not to be found upon the globe,
but there is no doubt that the following legend refers to
the country stated to have been discovered by d'Aveiro
and visited by Behaim himself (see p. 72).

konik furfurs land do der pfeffer King Furfur's land, where grows
itechfl den der konik in Portugal the pepper discovered by the King
gefunden hat ano 1485 (E 8). of Portugal in 1485.

A tent with a naked king inside.

I have tried in vain to discover a king or chief named
Furfur among the rulers of Benin.

The pepper referred to is the Pimenta de rabo or Piper

Guinea Islands.

de principe (D 5 s), Ilha do Principe, with a Portuguese

fan (home (D 8 s).

Insule marline (D 9 s), Martin's Islands.

The ilha formosa or Fernao Poo can no longer be
traced on the globe, but I feel sure that it was there
originally, and was obliterated by a reckless " renovator."

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