Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., J 4554,d
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Martin Behaim: his life and his globe
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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runden einer kugel geleich, auch
umb die getrukten mapa in die
kantzley zu machen, mallen und
ander uacost, aus wefelch meiner
hern der lossunger; die dan her
Merten Beham meinem hern eim
erbern ratt zu letze hinter im ver-
lassen hatt die kunst und mue
seinthalb daran gelegt:—

Item erstlich dem Glockenthon
mailer von der kugel gegeben zu
main: ist pey 15 wochen daruber
ganen, fl. 14, seim weib fl. 1, facitt
fl. 15, lb. —, dn. —.

Item zalt von eine leimen patron
gein Kalberger zu fiirn 28 dn,
daruber solt man ein grosse kugel
gemacht haben; mer umb plahen
zu der ersten kugel 21 dn ; mer
umb wein und pir, prot und anders
ausgeben dem maler zu mittag; die
weil er am apffel malt, auch zu
zeitten dem Peham, und prot, damit
man den apfel abrieb und schon
macht zu mermalen tl. 1, lb. 1,
dn. 16; mer dem Gagenhart zu
sehriben von einer schrift 16 dn;
facitt allerley uncost fl. 1, lb. 3,
dn. 21.

Item so zalt ich dem Glockengisser
umb den Furm. den Kalper-
ger zerbrochen hatt, solt Kalperger
ein grosse kugel daruber gemacht
haben, wede ding durch N. Grossen
und M. Peham ; dt. im fl. 2., lb. —
dn. —.

Item so zalt ich umb ein weissen
parchat der umb die kugel gemacht
ist, 80 dn. ; mer umb ein lideras
futter iiber die kugel, dar durch sie
nicht westib, kost 3 lb. 20 dn; mer
zalt ich dem schlosser umb die zwen
eisern reif, darina die kugel umbget,
4 lb., 6 dn. ; mer dem schreiner
umb den httlzen fus, darauf die
kugel stett, 4 lb., 6 dn. : facitt
allerley ausgeben fl. 1, lb. 6, dn. 10.

Item so zalt ich her Merten
Beham umb ein gedrukte mapa
mundy, da die gantze welt ina
wegriffen Ist, die da wol dint zu
dem apffel und in die kantzley
gehenkt wirtt, kost 1 fl. 3 lb. ; mer
kost sie zu malen 1 fl. ; mer zu
f titers und leima, 5 lb. 10 dn.; mer
dem schreiner in ram und zwue
taffel gemacht 1 fl.; mer dem
Starch mailer von disen hulzen
tafeln zu malen 4 lb. 6 dn.; facit
fl. 4, lb. 4, dn. 6.1

Item so ist dem Kalperger das
machlon von der kugel nit bezal

of the city treasury, upon limning
and otherwise, for making the
"apple," or mappa mundi in the
shape of a sphere, and also for
making the printed map for the
clerk's office, which Mr. Merten
Beham, having expended thereon
his art and pains, left behind for
the enjoyment of my lords of the
worshipful council:—

Item first, to Glockenthon, who
painted the sphere, and spent

15 weeks over it, fl. 14 ; to his wife
fl.l,facit,fl. 15,1b.— dn.— (£2 10a.)

Item paid for a loam mould over
which the sphere was to have been
made, as a guide for Kalberger,
28 dn.; also for linen for the first
sphere, 21 dn.; also for wine and beer,
and other things, for the limner's
dinner whilst painting the globe,
and occasionally also for Peham;
and for bread for cleansing the globe
and making it nice, fl. 1, lb. 1, dn.

16 ; also to Gagenhart for lettering,
16 dn.; facit, miscellaneous expenses
fl. 1, lb. 3, dn. 21 (14*. 5d.)

Item paid Glockengisser for a
mould broken by Kalperger, and
round which Kalperger was to have
made a large sphere, both through
N. Gross and M. Peham

fl. 2, lb. —, dn. — (£1)

Item paid for white vellum
(parchment) covering the sphere,
80 dn. ; also for a cover lined with
skin to protect the sphere from
dust, 3 lb. 20 dn. ; also to the smith
for two iron hoops within which
the sphere revolves, 4 lb. 6 dn.;
also to the joiner for the wooden
stand of the sphere, 4 lb. 6 dn.
facit, miscellaneous expenses

fl. 1, lb. 6, dn. 10 (17a. Id.)

Item paid to Mr. Merten Beham
for a printed mappa mundi, embracing
the whole world, which was
used for the globe and is to be
hung in the town office, 1 fl. 3 lb.;
also for painting, etc., 1 fl. ; also for
lining and glueing (mounting) the
game, 5 lb. 10 dn.; also to the
joiner for a frame and two panels,
1 fl. , also to the starch painter for
painting these panels, 4 lb. 6 dn.;
facit fl. 4, lb. 4, dn. 6 (£2 5*.)1

Item. Kalperger has not been
paid for making the sphere; he
demands 3 fl., but owes for the
linen which was used for the old
tent over the " beautiful fountain,"

fodert 3 fl., dargegen ist er schuldig
die plahen von dem alten zelt iiber
den schon prunen gepraucht ward ;
solt er die gros kugel ausgemacht
haben ; auch so hatt er den patron
oder furm zerbrochen, da man dem
Glockengisser 2 fl. umb must geben ;
auch sagt er her Merten zu, er solt
in die kunst kosmografia lerne oder
das aussteiln der kugel, so wolt er
dieweil ander kugel machen.

in return for which he was to have
made the large sphere; he had also
broken the pattern or mould for
which 2 gulden (20*.) had to be
paid to Glockengiesser; he also
promised Mr. Merten that if he
taught him the art cosmography or
the laying out (planning) of the
globe he would make another sphere
during the time.


Db. Hermann Schedel's Remarks on Behaim's Globe.2
De globo sperico terre.

[Mundi formam omnes fere consenciunt rotundum esse, idemque de terra
senciunt, que in media rerum constituta gravia queque ad se trahit aquis
maiori ex parte submersa.]

[Sunt qui arbitrantur quatuor eius plagas apparere, quas magnus insecat
occeanus, duobus amplissimis fluminibus eas ambiens quorum alterum
zodiaco subiciatur alterum ab aurora dextra levaque per polos defluens
extra columnas Herculeas coniungator at quo in nunc modum tocius terre
quatuor porciones velut ingentes insulas emergere. Que celo subiecte
benigno mortalium habitaciones admittant.]

Hunc orbis situm impeditum opus in hoc sperico globo ornatissimo
facundie minime capax verum aspici cognoscique dignissimum M. B. eques
auratus anno Christi 1492 absolvit pro gloria inclite urbis Nurembergensis
et cum [nec divinis operibus maledica lingua parcit, quecunque enim
mortales agunt sive privatim sive publico calumnie subiacent, hand
diffidimus, quin nostrum laborem malignus interpres non fugiet, neque
maledicis occursuri clausurique ora contendimus. Frustra nitimur et in
dextro et sinistro latrant itinere canes.]

[Nullius enim vita sine reprehensione cucurrerit. Communem igitur
sortem equo animo ferre decet,] presertim (precipue) cum opus ex illustribus
cosmographis ac geographis turn antiquis ut Strabone, Pomponio Mella,
Diodoro Siculo, Herodoto, Plinio secundo Novocomensi, Dionysio etc turn
modernis ut Paulo Veneto, Petro de Eliaco et peritissimis viris regis
Portugalie profecimus.

[De situ locorum, que videbantur necessaria, inseruimus et quantum
terrarum orbis incolitur, cum interiectis et circumfusis aquis.]

[At quodcumque de nobis iudicium fuerit non inviti subibimus, quando
in hoc opere neque optimorum speramus laudem neque pessimorum
timemus vituperium, neque qui nobis detraxerit, id glorie assequetur, ut
omnes ei consenciant et fortasse futura etas id approbabit quod nostra

Hie globus labore et opera M. B. absolutus est, in quo orbis situs
strictim continetur, quo pacto se habeat forma tocius orbis maximeque
eius partes, Europa scilicet, Asia et Aflrica, quomodoque singule eius
partes se habeant.

Similiter ore et littora, qualiter se intra et extra ostendant, qualiter-
que pelagus ea subeat et circumdet.

Absolute etiam sunt latitudines et longitudines paralellorum ex
veteribus cosmographis ut Ptolemeo, Strabone, Diodoro Siculo, Plinio;
similiter ex recentioribus ut Petro de Eliaco, Marco Polo Veneto, aliisque
cosmographie martiribus eaque omnio doctis dumtaxat, in quibus, si
erraverit, correccioni se submittit, sciens, nihil esse cui non possit addita-
mentum ad operis consumacionem fieri, etc.

1 O. Holzachuher seems here to have i. «de a slight error in casting up. Assuming
the proportions adopted by me, the totai only amounts to 4 fl. 4 lb. 4 dn. (instead
of 4 fl. 4 lb. 6 dn.). Holzachuher (Petz, i. 168) gives the total cost of globe and map
at 34 gulden 5 lb. novo 9 si. 9 heller; my addition makes it 24 fl. 5 lb. 23 dn., a
trifling difference of 3 heller, or 1 • id. The Pfnnd novo was reckoned at 120 SUber-
pfennig at 2 heller each.

* These emarks on Behaim's globe, in the handwriting of Dr. Hartmann Schedel,
were discovered by Dr. Bichard Stauber on the fly-leaf of a book now in the Munich
library (4°, Inc. c. a. 97 lot. 104). Dr. H. Grauert discovered that quite one-half of
the text was borrowed from the Asia of Pope Pius H., published in Venice in 1477;
the passages thus borrowed are placed above within square brackets. See R. Stauber,
' Die Schedelsche Bibliothek' (Freiburg, 1908, pp. 61, 267). See p. 69.

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