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dentenstichprobe nachgewiesen haben. Etwa jeder vierte Teilnehmer erzielte -
wenigstens vorübergehend - Ergebnisse, die nach den üblichen Signifikanzkriterien
nicht mehr durch den Zufall erklärt werden können.


ESP-Experiments with Groups of Students. - Düring the summer and fall of
1967, ESP experiments with larger groups of Student subjects were carried out
for the first time at the Institute for Border Areas of Psychology.

The first experimental series shows 10 of the 32 subjects with at least partial
results of Statistical significance (P<.o2). Six of those 10 subjects yield total
results which are significant. The combined data of the 32 subjects are also
statistically significant (P = .00002). The experiments took place in five
different experimental arrangements, of which four investigated telepathy
(GESP) and one precognition. Significant total results were obtained only
from three experimental arrangements which were based on telepathy.

The second series consisted exclusively of telepathy experiments, which
were carried out with 16 new subjects divided into 4 groups of 4 subjects each.
In one group the total results of 3 of the subjects, as well as the combined total
results of all 4 subjects of that group, were statistically significant (P<.oooi).
Furthermore, the pair of subjects that obtained the best telepathic scores during
the previous series participated in further trials and obtained highly significant
total results once again (P<.ooooi).

In summary, it has been established in these experiments that ESP faculties
are present in an unselected random sample, of German students. Almost one
out of every four students obtained - at least on a temporary basis - results
which are not to be accounted for by chance according to the usual critera for
Statistical significance.

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