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Wolfstieg, August
Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (Band I)
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  (z. B.: IV, 145, xii)

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^438. The Ashlar, by Allyn Weston. Detroit
, Micliigan.

[Amerikan.-Deutsche Jahrbücher f. Frmr. 1856
S. 302.]

€439. Bonifatius-Korrespondenz. Apologetische
Mitteilungen für den hochw.
Klerus und gebildete Laien. Ein Zeitenwächter
. Hrsg. vom Aktionskomitee der
österr. Bonifatius-Vereine und red. von
P. Augustinus Galen. Prag.

Cf. Z. 37 (1906—1907) S. 228—229.
Anti-Frmr- Zeitschr.

c,440. Boston Ideas. Boston.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 43.]

"°441. La Cadena de Union. Revista masö-
nica, se publica todos los 1° de cada nies.
Dir.: Emilio Quirolo. Montevideo.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 44.]

c442. Cadiz misonico. Dir.: Aniado Garcia
. Cadiz.

[KfF. 33 (1893) S. 203.]

c443. The Masonic Chronicle. Columbus,

[KfF. 37 (1S97) S. 175.]

c444. Masonic Chronicle, a monthly journal
devoted to the interest of the craft, its
history, philosophy, and jurisprudence.
New York: Sickels.

[KfF. 16 (1876) S. 237.]

*445. La Chronique mensuelle de la renais-
sance niaconnique. Suppl. au Journal
la vie humaine, par Riehe-Gardon.

[Bagonf J. M.: Büttel du grade de maitre, 1860
S. 62.]

c446. The Masonic Constellation. St. Louis,

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 43.]

c447. Christian Cynosnre [d. i. Hundeschwanz
]. Ed. by J. Blanchard.

cf.: MW. Ser. 2 Jg. 6 (1869) Nr 2; MR. 50
(1877—1878) S. 582—535; VM. 10 (1878) S. 420
bis 422 (C. Moore); MN. l (1878—1879)

S. 190.

Gegen d. Frmrei gerichtete Zeitschr.

< 448. El Espejo masonico. [Hrsg. von Andr.
Cassard.] ]NTew York,
cf.: FZ. 21 (1867) S. nü—101 (J. Fester).

°449. La Fraternite. Journal officiel du
Grand Orient erHaiti. Port-au-Prince.

fAnnuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 4.3.]

<450. Freemason. The masonic authority
of Western Australia. Publ. by Rieh.
vSt anley. Perth.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 44.]

C45L The Liberal Freemason. [Begr. von
AI fr. F. Chapmann.] Washington.

[KfF, 32 (1S92) S. 212.]

°452. Freemason Missouri» A weekly journal
devoted to the interests of the craft.
Ed. John L. Bowmon and Eden
Heed. St Louis Missouri.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 42.]

°453. The Freemason. A weekly newspaper,
publ. ^ every Saturday. Cont. all the
most important information of the week,
relat. to freemasonry in every degree.
London: Advertising off, o. J.

[Lyon, D. JH.: Eistory of the lodge of Edinburgh.

°454. The Free Mason. A monthly periodical
devoted to free masonry and general lite-
rature. By Tal. P. Schaffner. Louis-
ville: Hull.

[L. 6 (1845) Beil. S. III.]

°455. Anti-masonio Herald.

[Barthelmess, B.: BiUiogr. d. Frmrei. 1856
S. 2.]

°456. The Freemasons5 Herald. Madras.
Recens: FQR. 1849 S. 328—330.
[FQB. 1849 S. 328.]

°457. The HMasonic Herald. Calcutta: Bose
& Co.

[Fr. 13 (1880) S. 212.]

°458. The New South Wales Masonic Herald.
Devoted to free-masonry. A fortnightly
journal. Vol. L Sydney (Australia).

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 2 (1908) S. 45.]

°459. El Ideal masonico. Sancti Spiritres,

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 43.]

°460. The Je weh A masonic Hterary and
news magazine. Wm. J. Pollard, ed.
and propr.

Eecens: Bh. 9 (1866) S. 2G9.
°461. Masonic Journal. Portland, Maine.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 43.]

°462, The Masonic Journal, devoted to masonry
, science and literature. By J.
Lawrence. Vol. 1—5. Marietta.

[Barthelmess, B.t Bibliogr. d. Frmrei. 1866
S. 2.]

°463. The Keystone. Ed. Geo[rge] P. Mac
Calla. Philadelphia.

[BtooldyE.: Allg. Gesch. d. Frmrei. 1884 S. 510.]

°464. Lancaster Beobachter. [Hrsg. von
Sam. Wagner.] Lancaster.

[Somerset Bepublicaner. 9 (1830) Nr 48.]

°465. El Malette. San Juan, Porto Rico.

[Annuaire de la mag. univ. 1 (1907) S. 43.]

°466. El Mallete. Revista masonica mensual.
Organo oficial de la Gran Logia de anti-
quos libres y aeeptados masönes del
distrito federal y territorios dependientes
de su jurisdiccion, Estados Unidos Mexi-
canos. Dir.: Gamaliel Arenas. Ave-
nida: Selbstverl. d. Loge.

[KfF, 35 (1895) S. 209.]

°467. Masonry, with which is incorporated
„The Garel" and „the Freemason"

[Annuaire de la mag. univ, 1 (1907) S, 44.]

°468. The Master-Mason. Ed. Boye ton.

[KfF. 30 (1890) S. 208.]

°469. The New England Freemason. Boston.

[KfF. 16 (1876) S. 237.]

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