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Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (Band I)
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Hamburg und

73 der 8, Pag.
aus dem "Americ.

13393. Cneiüar letter from the Grand Lodge
of f. and a. in. of the State of New York:
being a review of the policy of the Gr.
Lodge of Hamburgh. [Dat.:] YewYork
1859. 14 S,. 8» [Umschlagtit.]
Deutsche Übers, in: MittS. 53 (isoo)

S. Ii

Betr. den SprengelrechtsstreitHaxnburg-New-
York. 215.

13394. Documenta respecting the contro-
versy between the Grand Lodges of
Hamburg and New York. I. On the
exeiusive territorial Jurisdiction of grand
lodges. II. On the inquiry eonoern. the
regularity of colored lodges. Publ. by
the Masonie Historical Society in
Brooklyn (Engbund New York). [Hrsg.
von Eich. Bart hei mess.] New York
1860: Tcubner. VIII, 48 S. 8<>

i*t\ L. Ii» (18«W) ix 80—$2.
Tt. 1007,

13395. Die Grussi3^ von
New York»

in: HZO. litt (1860) S. 68«
Übers, von K. W. A ab er

FreemasoiKs' New Monthly Magazine 1860.

Ben*, die Spreugelrechtsf rage.

13396. Early History and transactions of

the (Irand Lodge of free and aecepted

masons of the State of New-York.

1781—1815. Puhl, by authority of the

Grand Lüdge. New-York: Sickles &

Co. 1876. XL, 587 S. 8Ö
In tlf»r Kn\\. Uesen, der Frmrei in Amerika
vor Gründung der (Möge: 1780—1781. 480.

° 13397. Banker, John U.: Early History
of thv («Fand Lüdge of New York

(Oo nid. R, #,: Tk§ Iftafory offrtnry. tt i 1X87)

S. «?,|

1331)8. The Jufeltae Olebration in the lodges
linder the jnriadiction of the Grand
Ltxlgt» of frw and aecepted masons of
the State of New York to commemorate
the f reedom of the craf t from debt,
April 24* 1889. New York 1890: Leeuw
& Oppenheimer. 571, XS« 1 Bildn. 8°


13S99» Cfttaloguo of masonie antiquities and
eurios of the Grand Lodge, f. & a. m.
[in N<\v York}. [New York 1899:
Ktttogg.] 32 & 8« [ümschlagtit]


13400. Clrand Lodge of Washington, f. &
a* masouB. Ju» 13» 1900. [Von Will.
Henry Upton. Washington 1900.]

ii a m iKopftit.i

Befiehl titor mim Xwhmilm^ der Grloge,
dl* St»iti§?ktit«i N*w York-Hamburg betr.


13401. Pmm^mmtn: l>ec CoatUct [der
Grloge von Ptmosylvaniftn] wit den

«fauttiohea Grouslogea.

in: T. tt itmm h. •««-«*.

ef. Kbendui B. ?s—7*» »8—», «*-4©§t ifli

Ui, 161, 140—1*1, 14*—447; sä (1877)

r. die

°i340tL Tt» Q
ancient mnd

tes«»Me f»tewaty of free

and aecepted masons, aecording to the
old Institution in Pennsylvania and the
adjaeent districts of America, there-
with united in masonie Jurisdiction.
Its early history and Constitution®,
from 1730 to 1808. Its minutes and
proeeedings. Comp, and publ. by the
Library Committee of the Giand Lodge
of Pennsylvania. With steel portr.
and engravings, and list of lodges.
[P. 1. 2.] Philadelphia 1877—1878:
Sherman & Co.

I, 420 S. 1877 ; 2. 1878.

[Proeeedings oj the GvL. of New York. 109 (1890)
S. 109.] 27. 47!.

°13403. Süd-Karolina: An Oration delivered
in the sublime Grand Lodge in Charleston
South Carolina, on the 23d Sept.,
5801, before the members of that lodge,
the symbolic Grand Lodge of ancient
York masons, and the officers of the
several lodges of that city; and publ.
at their request. By Fred. Daleho.
Charleston, South Carolina [1801]:

ef. AMU. [1.3 (1828) S. 101—131, 145—158, 180
bis 184.

13404, An Oration delivered in the sublime
Grand Lodge of South Carolina, in
Charleston, 21st March, A. L. 5807,
A. D. 1803, before the members of
that lodge, the symbolic Grand Lodge
of free and aecepted masons, and a con-
siderabl© number of visiting brethern,

and publ. at their request: to which
is added an app. contain. an historical
inquiry into the origin of the difference
of ancient and modern masons, usually
so called, &c &c: By Pred. Daicho.
Charleston [1807]: Bowen. 161 S.

Cf. AMR. 1 (1828) 8. 101—131, HS—158, 180

bis 18*.

13405. Brasilien: Uebersetzung eines Schreibens
des Gross-Orients und Supr.\
Cons.% von Brasihen im Valle dos Bene-
dictinos an Gust. Gerber. Zur Mittheilung
an die Ehrw. Grosslogen
Deutschlands bestimmt. Hamiover

1868: Culemann. 26 S. 8°
Antwort an die Grloge von Hamburg, deren
Beurteilung der Ereignisse, welche die Verlegung
des Gr. Or. von Brasilien vom Valle
do Lavradio nach dem Valle dos Benedie-
tinos veranlassten, betr. Im Anh. Ver-
Yerzeiehn. der Grbeamten des Gr. Or. 137.

°13406. Washington: The Genealogy and
history of the erection of the Grand
Lodge of f. and a. m. of Washington,
read at Olympia, Washington, on Dec.
7th, 1908 by Will. H[ills] Gorham.
ef. AQC. 22 (100t) S. 195 (P. J. W. Crowe).


13407. Älbany: Mount Vernon Lodge,
Na 3, Albany, New York. A Sketch,
fünterz.:] Will James Hughan.

Im: Fr. M (im) S. 133—18*.

iS8ö auch selbst, erschienen; in 27.

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